Animal Feed Supplement Industry

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Licking Blocks

Licking Blocks

The usage of Licking Blocks in livestock is essential and widely known these days. Animals many times are unable to get all the essential elements they need for their perfect health.

By using Extra Farm’s Licking Blocks, the animals get all their essential substances they need daily (Minerals, Trace Elements, Proteins, Vitamins, Fats, etc.), that are not easily found in their daily diet due to lack of quality of concentrated food, stress, diseases, weather conditions, etc.

The regular usage of our Licking Blocks provides the animal with great health, high energy levels, nice wool, improved meat and milk quality, improved  immune system etc.

Our factory uses high quality raw material from E.U and organic salt, so we can provide the customer with the best possible Licking Blocks.

Licking Blocks


Premixes are another great way to supplement an animals’s diet to ensure great health and maximized productivity. With the usage of high quality raw materials our basic line promises great results. We specialize on creating custom-made formulas too. All you have to do is to send an email.


Liquid & Water-Soluble Supplements

Undoubtedly the most efficient way to boost the animal’s health and performance is by giving it liquid or water-soluble supplements. With Extra Farm’s Liquid & Water-Soluble line the essential elements like vitamins and minerals , get easily absorbed for faster results and you can make sure your animals are strong and healthy at all times.

Liquid & Water-Soluble Supplements
Liquid  & Water-Soluble Supplements

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